====== Glossary ====== //Work in progress// This is intended to be a list of things that should be documented for DokuWiki... when adding please sort alphabetically. Feel free to add missing stuff. Note: this is to document //existing// features, not for feature requests or discussion. * A * [[Abbreviations|Abbreviations & Acronyms]] * [[ACL]] * [[syndication|Atom]] * [[Attic]] * [[auth|Authentication Plugins]] * B * [[faq:Backup]] * [[Backlinks]] * [[Blacklist]] * [[Breadcrumbs]] * C * [[Caching]] * [[CamelCase]] * [[devel:Changelog]] * [[Config]] file * [[cli|Command Line Tools]] * [[devel:CSS]] * [[tips:Maintenance|Cron]] * D * [[devel:Darcs]] * [[Diff]] * [[Development]] * [[Seo#Meta Headers|Delayed Indexing]] * E * [[Editing]] * [[Edit Window]] * [[devel:Events]] * F * [[leaflet|Flyer]] * [[mime|Filetypes]] * G * [[Seo|Google]] * I * [[Index]] * [[Indexer]] * [[Interwiki]] * [[Images]] * L * [[Leaflet]] * [[Locking]] * [[plugin:authLDAP|LDAP]] * M * [[tips:Maintenance]] * [[images|Media files]] * [[fullscreen mediamanager|Fullscreen Media Manager]] * [[Media Manager|Media Manager popup]] * [[mime|MIME-Types]] * [[Edit Window#Minor Edit]] * N * [[Namespaces]] * [[Namespace Templates]] * O * [[attic|Old Revisions]] * P * [[Page]] * [[Pagename]] * [[attic|Page Revisions]] * [[Performance]] * [[Permissions]] * [[Plugins]] * [[config:Proxy]] * [[namespace templates|Page Templates]] * Q * [[wiki:syntax#Quoting]] * R * [[Recent Changes]] * [[attic|Revisions]] * [[Romanization]] * [[syndication|RSS]] * [[Rewrite|Rewriting]] * S * [[config:safemodehack|Safe Mode]] * [[Search]] * [[Seo|Searchengines]] * [[Security]] * [[page#Sections]] * [[Section Editing]] * [[SEO]] * [[Signature]] * [[blacklist|Spam Blacklist]] * [[development|Source Code]] * [[devel:css|Stylesheets]] * [[Syndication]] * T * [[TaskRunner]] * [[toc|Table of Contents]] * [[wiki:Syntax#Tables]] * [[Toolbar]] * [[Templates]] * [[namespace templates|Templates]] (for page content) * [[Abbreviation#Tooltip]] * U * [[config:updatecheck|Update Check]] * [[media manager|Upload]] * [[UTF-8]] * [[Rewrite|URL Rewriting]]